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Advertise Your Business

Advertise your business inside other non-competing businesses or buildings. Perfect B2B opportunities for businesses and organizations large and small.
starting at $29.99/month to advertise in other businesses
Find Homes or Businesses
To Advertise In
Register To Start Advertising

Make Money with AdsForGood

Make money by becoming an AdsForGood host. Open to everyone, businesses and individuals. Allow non-competing ads inside your home, your store, your organization.
% of ad profits as a Citizen per yearly quarter
Allow Ads Inside
Your Home or Business
Register To Become A Host

Advertise YourSelf

Advertise yourself (You, your photo) on our network of affiliated sites. Perfect for influencers, students, job seekers, Youtubers, Instagramers, TikTokers and aspiring celebrities.
starting at $29.99 for 30,000 impressions

Unlock unprecedented B2B advertising opportunities with iNthacity's innovative solutions. Advertise your business inside other non-competing businesses or buildings, creating synergies that benefit both parties. Whether you're a large corporation, a small organization or an aspiring influencer, professional or artist, our B2B opportunities start at just $20/month. It's time to amplify your brand visibility and connect with your target audience in a whole new way. Register now to kickstart your impactful advertising journey.

Make a difference and make money by becoming an AdsForGood host. Open to businesses and individuals alike, this unique program allows you to host non-competing ads inside your home, store, or organization. Earn a percentage of ad profits while contributing to social causes. It's a win-win opportunity that empowers you to transform your space into a powerful advertising platform. Interested? Register to become a host and start making an impact today.

Ad Types and Sizes

Type Button
Size 120x90 (pixels)
Price $29.99 for 30,000 impressions
Example Button Ad
Type Card
Size 300x250 (pixels)
Price $69.99 for 100,000 impressions
Example Card Ad

Stand out in the digital landscape by advertising yourself on our network of affiliated sites. Perfect for job seekers, students, YouTubers, Instagrammers, influencers, and aspiring celebrities. Showcase your photo or headshot to a diverse audience and elevate your personal brand. Affordable packages start at just $99/month. Take the first step towards greater visibility and opportunities—advertise yourself with iNthacity.

Type Banner
Size 728x90 (pixels)
Price $99.99 for 70,000 impressions
Example Banner Ad
Type Large Banner
Size 970x250 (pixels)
Price $199.99 for 200,000 impressions
Example Large Banner Ad